
Sunday Scare

The event that happened this morning seemed like a dream and is all a blur to me. Aub woke up to get her hair done while I slept in with Diesel. I awoke and took him out for his morning relief. Once we were home, I noticed a bunch of bumps on his lower back. As the minutes passed the bumps seemed to be getting bigger and multiplying. I gave him a bath, which he loves, and waited to see if the bumps went away. I thought maybe he rubbed up against something and had an allergic reaction. Wrong. Ok so now the bumps were now bigger than silver dollar coins. I'm freaking out.........yep freaking out. So Aub and I decide to call this new vet we took Diesel to when he did his first stud service. The doctor specializes in English Bulldogs and for some reason we really took to him. Our regular vet was currently in a session of church (he's the bishop in Aub's parents ward). So I'm driving 90 miles an hour to he vet while Aub keeps him calm in the backseat of the car. When we got there, we filled out the necessary paper work and waited in the little room. The vet came in he immediately asked how we were doing. Aubrey answered with a positive, "Fine", then he looked at me and said, "I know you're done doing alright..." It was obvious I was a wreck. The vet took Diesel back and gave him 2 sets of shots one of them being benadryl. As we were thinking back the last 24 hours we remembered him swallowing a foreign object which we couldn't get from his jaws. The vet started naming off the usual suspects, one of them being spiders and we knew that is what he swallowed.

Well I'm happy to report that Diesel and the rest of us are doing fine.


Oh it's not a dog it's a magical reindeer

Sorry but this is the coolest commercial of the holiday season and I love it.



Snow Tires

So last year I made it through winter with no snow tires and did alright (this living on the hill). Well after the snow this morning I have determined I need snow tires. I was driving to work this morning and I-215 I swear to you they do not plow it. So yes I was sliding around everywhere then I pull into work and start sliding all over the parking lot, mind you there is not a ton of snow on the ground. So the next thing on my wish list is snow tires.



Take a bite....