
Whole new meaning to dancing at a wedding!!

I saw this on someone else's blog and had to post it. This is awsome I wish i had the guts to do this at my wedding.


Alice in Wonderland

I do have to say i'm kinda excited for this.


Behold.......The MERLINATOR!!

The Merlinator was invented by a man in Bear Lake named....Merlin. It consists of 1 full pound of beef, more cheese than 2 or 3 big macs combined, lettuce, tomato and all the fixins! IF consumed all in one sitting, you are rewarded with a bumper sticker and a your picture hung on the coveted wall along with the other hall of famers. Both Misty and Morgan took on the challenge with nothing but guts and glory in their minds. With every bite they chewed and swallowed, we spectators watched and cheered in awe. All of us were skeptical at first, but Morgan assured us he could handle the beast and Misty repeatedly reminded us of her inner "Chub Scout." At the same time on the east side of the restaurant, a small skinny white guy was attempting The Merlinator only to stall half way through. Needless to say, Morgan and Misty accomplished the challenge with flying colors. In fact, Morgan ordered and consumed a shake after he was done eating, saying he wasn't full enough. WARNING WARNING these pictures are both horrific and terrifying. BEWARE.



Maybe its just me but this blog is hilarious... www.cakewrecks.blogspot.com
check it out


My Poor Car

So Saturday night we decided to go to Walmart.. We were inside for only 30-45 minutes we come out load my car up with all the stuff we bought. I'm taking the cart back and when I walk back to my car I froze. Someone hit my freaking car and yes they drove off and didnt leave a note. I cant even express how mad I was. So we went back into the store to see if we could look at the security video, The lady said we would have to call back in the morning to speak to a manager. So Sunday morning I called back they said sorry we cant show you the tapes you have to make a report with the police and they have to request the tapes.. Fine whatever so today I have to go make a report with the police and call my insurance.... Grrrr. I cant even talk about it everytime I do I get so mad... Come on people have some decency if your going to hit my car wait for me to come out of the store or leave a note I know it was an accident I wont be mad..... pictures will follow.


Random Pictures

Here are some random photos that I cleaned up a little in iPhoto. I was just bored. ENJOY!!!