
Sledding with no snow!!!

We found this on youtube and this is exactly what Diesel does.


Presidential address to congress

For those who know I love to watch The Biggest Loser. I look forward to every Tuesday night just for this show and instead whats on????? The freaking Presidential Address to Congress. Why couldn't it wait till after Biggest Loser ahhhhh



Look at the video below it. The first video has funny songs and the second has the dramatic song from The Last Samurai. I didn't plan it to line up in any way but notice when he does "High Five", the song starts getting more dramatic. It's hilarious!



Office Quotes

Here are my favorite quotes from The Office: Fun Run episode.

Michael: "I am running fast. I'm like Forrest Gump. Except, I am not an idiot."

Michael: "It happened on company property with company property so....double jepordy, we are fine."
Ryan: "I don't....I don't think you understand the meaning of double jepordy."
Michael: "Oh sorry, What Is We're Fine."

Michael: "Meridith was hit with a car. We took her to the hospital and the doctors did the best they could................and she is going to be okay."

Jim: "One day Michael came into the office complaining about a speed bump on the highway (pause with a distant look on face).....I wonder who he hit then."

Michael: "I'm not superstitious but I'm a little 'stitious."

Dwight: "With the power we are using to keep Meridith alive, we could power a small fan for two days. You tell me what's unethical!"


Moving On...

I had to steal this post from the Examiner magazine that's about my former band. Some of you know I have left The Better Life Band to focus on family and work. This post was written by a guy who came to our latest show at the Huka Bar. I thought it would be good to show people what we had acomplished in just over 1 year. ENJOY!!!

The five-piece project known as “The Better Life Band” is anything but another short-lived attempt at a music career. I will be the first to admit that my assumptions prior to hearing a live show were a far cry from what this group actually represented. “The Better Life Band”, fronted by Derek Ashby, showed promise from the start with a solid performance of their song “So Bent” followed up by “If You Believe” and “Selfish Road”. The band then showcased their willingness to take risks by successfully covering songs by top artists such as Bryan Adams, Daughtry, Lit, Collective Soul, 3 Doors Down, and a personal favorite of mine, Breaking Benjamin.

I was more than surprised to see the kind of energy “The Better Life Band” brought to the stage when they performed. I did not expect to see or hear such a dynamic performance, largely brought about by the band’s relentless enthusiasm to get the crowd into their music. Whether it was Ashby handing the mic to fans, Jonathan laying down solid beat after solid beat, or the three-man guitar army of Justin, Joel, and Mike building off one another’s intensity, the crowd was definitely feeling every minute of the February 13th show at The Huka Bar in Murray, Utah.

If the band’s upcoming album proves to be anything like their song, “It’s Your Life”, they undoubtedly have the potential and determination to branch out into the mainstream music scene.

(PS: You can find the original post through this link)



new pictures of Diesel

You need a breath mint sir!

He likes to watch other English Bulldogs on YouTube

Mr. Fat Man

Then.... we were reading a joke on the computer and Diesel busted out laughing. See below...


Future of Smart Cars?

If you're ever bored and just want to escape for a few minutes, check out the 97.1 ZHT website. They've got videos and pictures galore. I saw this post today and had to steal it. Here is a regular looking smart car:

then there's the........







Ya think?

I'm sorry I was just on KSL and saw this headline for one of their stories:

"Study finds women are hard to read"


Our dog watches TV

Sometimes while we are watching tv there's a dog on screen and it will catch Diesel's eye but his attention only lasts a few min. But last night while I was watching Best In Show, I noticed it was very quite. Normally he's devouring the latest bone we got him and when it gets silent, he's either starting to choke (can't let bulldogs have rawhide bones without supervision), or he's heard something at the door. Neither of these was the case. He was glued to the TV. He saw all the dogs getting inspected and running their course. It was so funny. I kept watching him thinking he was going to lose interest.....he sat there for 10 min ha ha ha. No pictures obviously. I didn't want to get up and have him follow me.

